Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Journey to Discover

Recently I did something I never thought I would do. I stood in front of the congregation that I have served for around 8 years, and told them that Amy & I were going to start a journey somewhere new.

Over 3 years ago, God began to birth something inside of us. We loved what we were doing and the people at our church, but God was putting a new desire and urgency inside of us. We started to feel as though our time there was coming to a close. This was not an easy decision and we started to pray about exactly what God was calling us to do.

We have spent that last 3 years praying, fasting, and seeking the council from some pastoral friends. We are announcing that God has birthed a passion inside of us to plant a church in Central Sussex County. We are planting a church for those not in a church so they can find love in Christ and a community to work with. We want to reach outside the "walls" of the church to leave a lasting impact on our community and build relationships that will change lives through Jesus Christ.

We may live in what seems like a small county, in a small state, but did you know that over 58% of people that live in Sussex County do not attend a church, thats around 125 thousand people. So we hope to join in the community of believers in Sussex County to reach the lost.

Discover Church is who we are and if you have a heart to change your community, town, county, and state than you may want to join us. 

We are seeking people who will:

Pray - For the leadership team & launch team, for the perfect location, financial provision, and that people will come to know Jesus.

Give- Our goal is to raise $80,000 to launch Discover Church. Please prayerfully consider giving a one time donation, or partner with with us to sustain this ongoing project. All donations can be made by mail or securely online at and are tax deductible. 

Go-  We are looking for people to help make this vision a reality. We believe that God wants to do something incredible in the lives of people in Sussex County and we are deeply committed to serving, attending, and making it hard for people to go to hell by making it easy to go to church.

We need you!