Definition of Creaster: A person or family who only come to church on Christmas, Easter, for weddings, and funerals.
Just a few weeks ago was Easter Sunday our church like most others seen a dramatic increase in attendance. We all know them they are the ones who only come to church on Christmas, Easter, for weddings, and funerals. The real question every year is, how do we reach these people so they find Christ and say in church to learn more about Him? We have all most likely tried different programs of dramas, choir specials, special kid presentations, and other similar types of ideas but still most have a vary minimal success in most places. We as the church seem to be unable to show most the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Maybe we the church, the whole church, need to put the same time and attention we do to get people to church on Easter and Christmas the rest of the year. Christians are not known for being the most constant people, and i know others will always see us when we mess up. But as the body of Christ i know He has given us the ability to change the would if we would only follow Him and seek after His will for us.
1 Peter 1:22 "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart"
After Christ comes to live inside us we purify ourselves why? So we can love others. i pray that the Lord helps me and you to love others with more passion than ever before and to point them to Christ.
Please share any comments you have.
People AREN'T being discipled well in most churches. That's the church can't seen to keep people. I even cringe when I use the phrase "keep them" because we're not supposed to be a place that has a bunch of people with a fence around us. We're supposed to SEND people. Why aren't more people being sent? Because they aren't being discipled. I have personally been convicted by this truth & in recent weeks have been trying more than I ever have to find a few guys to disciple & pour into. Not enough people are doing this. We just get caught in a "church as usual" "life as usual" mentality. This is sad & has to stop.