Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You Lucky Dog!

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:3-5

People play the lottery everyday hoping to win it big. Maybe you have even thought about if you could just get this much money we would be set….for life! I know I have. But there have been many different TV shows that look at the lives of people who win the big one, and find that it did not really solve their problems, it just changed them. They thought that money could fix their life or make them happy, they realized it can’t.

When Jesus said what he did in Matthew 5:3-5, you think to yourself that does not make since, it did not make to much since in Jesus’ day either. The word “blessed” basically means lucky or that you have it pretty good. So how can this be?

The poor in spirit. You would probably think that you should not be poor in spirit but when you think you rich in spirit you might stop looking. But even after you have grown in the Lord you realize he has so much to offer and keep seeking after Him, and stay humble.

Those who morn. Jesus could be talking about morning the loss of a loved one; this is the same word used to describe Jacob morning for Joseph when he thought he was dead. Or it could also be us recognizing our failures and our inability to please God on a consistent basis.

The Meek. This is the word used for a tamed animal, someone or something that is calm. We see a lot that people like to see and hear preachers that are loud and boisterous. People often mistake meekness as weakness.

Jesus spent a lot of time teaching something that most consider to be a upside down view of the world. He said “whoever wants to lead should be a servant,” I see a lot of this in the church today many leaders/preacher expect others to do the grunt work and can’t figure out why no one in their church is volunteering to do anything. Because they don’t see their leaders/pastors doing any of the grunt work. If you are a leader, pastor, teacher show those around you that you care and have just as much if not more invested in their work.

We can’t be afraid to get dirty.

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