Genesis 2:7
the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
On Thursday September 22nd Talk of the Nation ran a story about Christians believing in the story of Adam and Eve. They stated that 4 in 10 Americans believe in the story of creation told in the beginning in the book of Genesis. Well some of you may think that is a good thing but i still see that around 60% of Americans don't believe in the story of creation. Where do you stand?
There are now a growing number of Christians who believe more about evolution and that we evolved from primates rather than God creating us. Scientist say that after mapping out the human genome that there could not have been any less than 10,000 people in the beginning of what we now call the human race. Due to all the different types of people there are in the world. They say that in order for there to have been 2 original people that there would have to be such a huge mutation to get all the different types of people there are in the world that it is just not possible.
The question that was asked on the show and the question i ask you, if you don't believe in the beginning with Adam and Eve does the whole thing (Christianity) fall apart?
Remember its not just this part in the begging of the Bible but even in the New Testament the Apostle Paul references Jesus as being the second Adam, who makes everything right between God and man.
This relatively new train of thought at least from a Christian perspective, should not be a surprise due to the fact that evolution has been taught in our school for many years now. It has slowly changed the way we think just like school has changed the way we think on other vary divisive issues in our nation.
Some say that the story of Adam and Eve is not central to Christianity, but i have to say i think it is. When you take out ANY part of Scripture then you have no reason to believe in any part of it you don't want to. I feel we have to as Christian be willing to as crazy as it sounds believe what the word of God say and realize that these books have been around for a thousands of years and the science behind evolution and they way we teach things in our schools has only been studied for in modern terms less than 100 years. Just like many argue about climate change, i don't feel that we have not been keeping track long enough for to start doubting the teaching of the word of God.
Share you option and do you believe in the story of Adam and Eve? And do you think that if you take out the story of Adan and Eve that Christianity has a leg to stand on?
The full story can be found on NPR Talk of the Nation website
Christians Divided Over Science Of Human Origins
It will make for good listening and is about 30 mins long, transcripts also available.
It's kind of hard to say you are a Christian and not believe in Adam and Eve.