This is the blog post my wife wrote this week just wanted to share it with all of you. -Curtis
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created them.
I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about being ‘religious’ vs. ‘christian’, about being religious in general and how people sometimes think religion is forced on them or that they have a hard time accepting God because they’ve witnessed hypocrites in the church. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and unfortunately man is to blame for the way some people view Christianity.
I said all that because I’ve been thinking lately. Really questioning what makes me different than other christians. Am I different? Sometimes I struggle understanding why people who say they love God don’t do anything for Him. Or can even act like they have a multiple person disorder. I know you know what I’m talking about. The people who come to church on Sundays and act like christians but then on Tuesday use sign language to appreciate the person who cut them off on the highway. So, again I’ve been thinking…
I am different. I have always been different. I am not from this world. Growing up before I was saved, before I knew all that Jesus had done, I never quite felt like I belonged. I was different even as a kid. I didn’t fit in. People in school and in my family teased me; I didn’t even feel normal when I was surrounded by family. They loved me, they were my family, but I still felt different, weird even. Truly, I never understood the feeling. Why I felt sort of different, out of the loop. I just knew I was. And it made growing up a little difficult. I didn’t fit into any of the clicks at school. I was a loner. That’s where I fit in best at, being by myself. And when I had great friends, I still felt like I wasn’t being my totally true self. Like a part of me was still in hiding. And even after I got saved, I felt the same way. I was still different than other christians, I at times felt like I didn’t belong. This feeling has always stayed with me. Sitting here today, I feel the same, I don’t quite fit in. But this is the revelation I have had.
You know what, it’s okay. I don’t fit in this world because this is not my home. Jesus did not create me to be normal, to be like you. And while I’ve struggled my whole life to fit in, I realize it was never my purpose to. I’m different because that’s how I was created. I only feel completely at home, completely normal, whole when I am in His presence.
I am thankful to say that I have not conformed to this world! That I have not allowed “religion” to rule my life. To say it simply, I am who I am. I am the daughter, mother, wife, friend, servant that God has called me to be. My life is just not lived on Sundays or when I am thinking someone is watching me. My life, the person who I am, who God created me to be, stays the same 7 days a week. I don’t change my attitude or thoughts for anyone or any situation.
And I think that statement is what mess’s people up. While I just stated that I don’t change for anyone that doesn’t mean that I don’t sometimes make mistakes. I’m not perfect and I mess up. And I think at times that’s where the label ‘hypocrite’ comes out so strongly. People aren’t perfect and not everyone lives there life like Christ, even if they say they do.
But ‘for me and my household we will serve the Lord’! While I am far from perfect, I strive to be like Jesus. And you know, look at Jesus’ life. Who he hung out with, who he talked to, who he surrounded himself with … He was different; he didn’t fit into the realm of normalcy. But you know the one thing He was, he was Himself. He was the person God had called him to be.
So you know what, I am going to take the stand that He took.
Posted on 2/27/12 by Amy Jones at
Be sure to check her stuff out!
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