This week I wanted to share from the blog of Jeremy Ferruccio, who is the Staff Pastor at Dagsboro Church of God. You can check out more from him at
You have probably heard the teaching "Trust Vs. Suspicion" by Andy Stanley before. It is a great lesson for staffs to go through together. I recently watched the dvd again for probably the tenth time. I would highly recommend it to any leadership team.
After writing this post, We Walk By Faith, the other day, this teaching on Trust Vs. Suspicion came to my mind, but not so much as it applies to staff members. Here's what I was thinking.....
Walking by faith would be tricky if it only included you and God, but it becomes exponentially more trying when we begin to understand that God works through other people in our lives to achieve HIS outcomes. God has been known to use people who appear to be trying to harm us or get us off track to move us exactly into the place HE wants us (and maybe learn a few lessons along the way). Joseph is a great example of this but definitely not the only one we find in the bible (Genesis 37-45). What Joseph's brothers and Potiphar intended for harm, God used for good.
I think for a lot of people, they don't really trust God. They want to. They try to. But, somewhere in their minds they still see God as someone who looks down from the stars and waits for us to mess up so He can punish us. Often they feel like they deserve the bad things that happen to them in their life. They are "SUSPICIOUS" of God's intentions for them and us.
God is a good God! We can trust Him and walk by faith in Him. He is working all things together for our good..... He is using those that seek to harm us to place us exactly where He wants us to be..... So, TRUST God, don't be SUSPICIOUS of His intentions for you. He Loves You.
PS: I also wonder if this isn't a doorway to lead us to being able to love our enemies.... just a thought.
Check out more that Jeremy wrote at
Original posted Tuesday, April 17, 2012
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